How to add a room to your account
Created on 9 February, 2024 User Guides | 1 minutes read

This is how to add a room to your property in your account
See exhibits A and B above.
From your dashboard click on your property name after you have added it.
A. Click on the Rooms menu to get to the rooms page. From this page you can add and edit rooms, add and edit guests as well as resend a room PIN.
B. Click on the Add a room button to complete the form. All fields are required. You may choose to add all of your rooms upfront or do so when you have guests. Then when a new guests arrive you simply edit the room and add the new guest name and email.
Completing the Room form example:
See exhibits A, B, C and D above.
A. This is where you add the name of the room. Room names must be unique. Room names would be visible to both guest and property in order details.
B. Determine how many digits you want the room PIN to be. It could be anything from 4 to 20 digits but we advise that you keep it as low as possible to make it easy for your guests to remember. In any case, the guests should have their PIN in their email inbox for reference.
C. Enter the name of the primary guest currently staying in the room. If you would like to enter multiple guests you could do it by using a comma after each guest name.
D. You MUST add the guests valid email because we need to send their room PIN and order confirmation to them. There is no other way to issue a room PIN. Only the guest would have access to the PIN.
IMPORTANT: We strongly suggest issuing a new PIN when new guests enters a room. Simply click on the room edit feature to update rooms with new guest and issue a new PIN.